Satellite events, livestreaming and speaker revelation

Hello Friends of TED! So, it’s only couple more days until TEDxTurku 2015. We’ve been very happy to see that the good work on the previous two events has been appreciated, and our TEDx Speakers this year gather so much interest, that our event was sold out in record time. If you missed your ticket, or are just unable to attend for other reasons, please don’t miss TEDxTurku just for that! We will be streaming the event via YLE Areena ( so you can enjoy the talks at home or in a venue of your choosing. If you feel like sharing the experience with other TED-fans, check our Facebook and website for nearby Satellites.

Chances are that there will be a satellite event to attend to somewhere nearby. And if there’s isn’t, why not arrange it yourself! All you need, is a screen that you can connect to the live stream. And, of course, the people you want to share your event with.

There are few ground rules, though, when organizing your satellite, but for that we have put together a short How-To-guide to get you started (see the link below).

How to organise a satellite

So, if you’re interested in spreading the ideas in your own community, give us a call or email, and we’ll help you to get started. Here’s a couple of examples of upcoming satellite events taking place here in Turku.

Markku Jokisipilä

Jarkko Jokisipilä

And yes, we actually have three more TEDxTurku2015 revelations left and next up is Markku Jokisipilä, historian and Doctor of Political Sciences. Counterfactual history, i.e. pondering on different “what if” -scenarios is a favourite pastime of Markku. How would the events have folded out if the choices had been different? Would things have turned out for the better or worse? Toying around with these kind of scenarios stimulates our imagination and is often very entertaining. One must ask, however, are there some historical events that are too grievous to speculate upon?

Sounds exciting right? We’ll hear more from Markku on Thursday!

See you very soon!

Team TEDxTurku 2015